~Acknowledgement and Credits~

Alhamdulillah. Finally I managed to build a web site of my own. To produce my not-so-*wow*-webpage-but-still-looks-okay-to-me webpage, I had to go through a lot of trouble and had to sacrifice my time and energy. But nevertheless, I learnt that it is possible to build your own web site, thanks to those who've taught me everything I need to know in realizing this mission. (hehe). Thanks a gazillion to:

a) Dr. Ibrahim Ali Noorbatcha

b)Bro. Mahmoud al-Shawabkeh

c)Friends (especially those in Section 1 KOS 1110)

d)Family (Mama & Abah,and also Abang, Ayep, Ben)

e)Everyone who gave moral support and any kind of support to me throughout the whole semester.


p/s:All the graphic images on my website are taken from various other websites, example: Yahoo!, Google, Altavista, AskJeeves and others.

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